unsupported syntax alternate syntax Note
\rm \textrm \rm was supported before Latex 2.0.9
\hbox \textrm
\tag{} \pod{\text{}} \tag is not supported
\cal \mathcal
'^ {'}^ double superscript
\\ \begin{aligned} ... \\ ... \end{aligned} \\ only be supported inside aligned, array, matrix
\hspace \quad, \qquad, \enspace \hspace supported, but \hspace{0.1in} create error
\nonumber $$ ... $$ doesn't have equation number, so there is no need to add \nonumber at the end
\left{ .. \\ .. \right} { ... } 中間不可以有 \\
\label \label is not supported
\textrm{ $ ... $ } \text{} ... \text{} 因為\textrm 本來就是在math equation 裡使用,所以不用$ $,就直接是 math mode
  1. Template render error, expected variable end \to too complex math equation, rewrite and simplify equation

  2. display math mode in table cell: display mode needs newline which same as new row in markdown syntax

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